Date(s) From-To 2007
Project Detailed company plan preparation
Company ZVVZ a.s.
Industry Production, Heavy machinery,air conditioning , filtration, desulphurisation solutions
Position Financial Director
Business situation before the mission The company had  financial plan prepared on company level only, without any breakdown into separate projects, divisions, profit centers and accounts. This fact caused impossibility of proper contract management.
Consequently it was impossible to compare planned figures with reality per separate project / contract and identify where and why differences arose.
Really achieved contract profitability was often much worse than profitability planned.
Capacity planning element was not sufficiently incorporated into company plan, it was not known how many of which type of project is the company able to successfully deliver to clients. In case of not having signed contracts at the moment of plan building, such free capacity was left as unused.
Business situation after the mission was completed Complete detailed financial plan delivered. The plan was built from the bottom (contract level) through projects, company divisions up to company level. Time and  capacity plan bacome a part of the financial plan. Free capacity not covered by signed contracts was planned with help of several types of common projects.
Concrete personnel became responsible for project controlling in each company division. It enabled better project controlling of time and financial indicators of each project.
Status of project profitability became one of the most important indicators of the each project, responsible managers started to control and managed it.
My contribution to the result I analysed the situation and solved the problems by using bottom up-planning principle and using several types of common projects.
I managed preparation of such a new type of company planninig, used for the first time across the company. I led meetings where I explained the new planning methodology.
I decided to designate and empower concrete personnel for project controlling in frames of each division, I managed and controled them.